Do Tattoos Belong In The Workplace

Tattooing has been practiced for centuries by numerous cultures throughout the world. Ancient Egyptian mummies have been excavated bearing tattoos and Julius Cesar actually described tattooed Germanic tribes in 54 BC. Some cultures believe that tattoos have magical qualities and adorn themselves for protection or good luck. In many societies, both ancient and modern, getting a tattoo represents a rite of passage.

Today tattoos have become commonplace and are a prominent part of our mainstream culture. According to the American Academy of Dermatology over 35% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 have one or more tattoos. One out of every eight adult Americans has a tattoo and the percentage is even greater in Britain and Australia. Popular shows such as LA Ink and Miami Ink have brought tattoo culture to a massive audience.

Despite all these statistics, tattoos are still not commonly accepted in the workplace. Quite a few employers do not permit visible tattoos. This means that millions of people all over the world make an effort to conceal their body art on a daily basis. Employees working in such fields as health care, shipping, banking, retail and the service sector often have to maintain two personas in order to keep their jobs. One persona represents the professional image they must project and the other persona represents who they really are.

A double identity wouldn’t be necessary if tattoos were not prohibited in many corporate and institutional environments. Respected brands such as Starbucks, Office Depot, Panera Bread, The Body Shop and AMC Theatres all enforce a no visible tattoo policy in the workplace. Freedom of expression is protected in the US by the First Amendment but this does not apply in the workplace. According to Burleson Consulting employers have the right to discriminate against what are deemed “optional” appearance traits. However, not all major employers restrict or ban tattoos in the workplace. Ford Motor Company, Boeing, Subway and Wal-Mart all allow employees to display “non-offensive” tattoos while at work. This does allow for some interpretation as to exactly what a “non-offensive” tattoo is.

While the overall trend may be shifting towards more relaxed tattoo policies, there are still pockets of conservatism that crop-up from time to time. Sky News reports that a large number of restaurants and hotels in Sydney, Australia are now banning patrons with tattoos. All visible body art is to be covered at all times in many popular Sydney restaurants and watering holes. One restaurant owner is even quoted as saying that the policy is designed to “keep out the common riffraff.”

Entire industries have come into existence because of the prejudice associated with tattoos. Tattoo cover-up sleeves, concealer makeup, skin toned body tape and laser tattoo removal are all businesses based on the need to cover or get rid of tattoos. Laser removal has a reputation for being expensive and painful. It can take up to ten treatments to remove darker tattoos with lasers.

It is estimated that over 100 million people worldwide have one or more tattoos. Much of the prejudice associated with tattoos comes from a lack of understanding. Most people with body art are simply expressing themselves. The tattoo industry also employs some of the most talented artists working today and their canvas is the human body. As long as people judge others by their appearance there will be a need for some to maintain a double-identity in order to be accepted and function in mainstream society. Only time will tell if tattoos become commonly accepted in the workplace.

Tattoo Machines

Thomas Alva Edison was the man who invented the tattoo machine. But originally it was not invented to make tattoos. It was actually made for the purpose of engraving. But as time passed the design and the use of this machine was modified and used as a tattoo machine. With various improvements made in this design, it was started being used as a tattoo machine. The speed of these machines are very fast and hence it has become easier to make tattoos.

Tattoo machines or tattoo guns are available in a variety of sizes and designs. They are made in companies as well as hand made. The hand made tattoo machines are more preferred by the tattoo artist. The prime reason for this is because the hand made ones are that they can be easily tuned according to the need of the tattoo artist. Such a tattoo machine can easily control the level of depth of insertion of the needle, its speed, pressure as well as the movement of the machine. As the demand of tattoos ha increased over the years, so alot of development has also come in the design of these tattoo machines. The prime reason for this development is convenience. Nowadays there are certain tattoo machines that have the space of more than one needle unlike the traditional ones.

There are several ways of getting good tattoo machines. You can go to the local supplier and ask for a tattoo machine according to your need. If you are short on cash, then go for a tattoo machine with a basic function but do not compromise with its quality. A cheap tattoo machine is equal to a bad tattoo. So avoid it. For this purpose online shopping of the tattoo machine is a good option. The online rates are always less than the usual shop rates. Sometimes you can also get heavy discounts. You will find a variety of such machines. You can pick the one you like.

In order to get tattoo machines you can also go for tattoo kits. You will find all the tattoo equipments together in the kit. You will have to look for them separately. As the tattoo kit is completely sealed, so you do not have to worry about getting old and used tattoo machines. They are new and properly sterilised. Moreover tattoo kits are available for a beginner as well as a professional. So you can pick the one that suits your need the best.

Printable Angel Tattoo Designs

Printable angel tattoo designs are ranked third under tribal and butterfly tattoo designs due to their spiritual, religious and protective meanings.

A typically benevolent celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth, especially in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism.

Angel tattoos symbolize love, peace, protection, faith, a loved one, spirituality, a connection with a higher self, selflessness, freedom, the struggle between good and evil, and a relationship with God

Why women get them
For women an angel tattoo can symbolize purity, divinity, patience, self-confidence, beauty, protection, and the belief in angels.

A growing number of women are getting angel wings on their backs.

Why men get them
For men angel tattoos can symbolize a love for someone, protection and to symbolize the struggle between their good and evil nature.

Types of designs
Guardian Angels: Protectors of humanity, children, especially in times of trouble.

Cherubs: Symbolize the messengers of love. These tattoos usually have the name of someone special. Just remember that relationships can end if you are thinking of getting your significant others name tattooed on you and that is the number one reason people regret getting tattoos.

Fallen Angels: Popular with bikers, Goths, and those who study dark arts.

Archangels: Represent Gods angels and are usually inked on those who are religious.

A growing trend is to combine designs, like tribal angel wing tattoo designs.

Just remember that if you are considering getting an angel tattoo, take your time to find the design that defines who you are and what you believe.

Temporary Tattoos A Diverse And Rich History

Did you know that the first temporary tattoos were found in bubble gum?

Though it is difficult to determine when the first temporary tattoo was printed, it is thought that they have been designed and manufactured since the turn of the 20th century. They were first used as prizes in bubble gum and later, in 1890, and the well into the 1900s, temporary tattoos were created and included in boxes of Cracker Jacks snacks. These temporary tattoos were transferred from paper to the skin with the use of water. Cracker Jack amazingly still includes the same style temporary tattoos as one of their “prize in every box giveaways today.

Unfortunately, tattoos of the early 20th century were of poor quality and came off as soon as they were rubbed or got wet. My, have tattoos evolved! But before we get to the quality temporary tattoos that are available today, we have a few more decades to weed through.

Temporary tattoos as giveaways in conjunction with snacks or other toys remained the cornerstone of temporary tattoos usage for decades. In addition to snacks, television programs, sports teams and cartoon characters started to use temporary tattoos as promotional tools. For example, not only did sports card packs include chewing gum, beginning in the 1970s, many included temporary tattoos which are considered collectors items today. Smurfs, PeeWee’s Playhouse and the Bionic Woman were also card packs that included temporary tattoos, intended as a means to promote their television programs.

In 1980, temporary tattoos were created using different and exotic ink systems. 3M designed and developed a special coating called Micro-Fragrance that made scratch-n-sniff technology possible. The temporary tattoo industry adopted the scratch-n-sniff concept and a few companies released scented tattoos.

Around this time advances in ink and screen printing were also developed. These advances made the tattoos last longer and look more realistic. As tattoos quality increased, so did demand. People began seeing temporary tattoos as a product that could last and could be used outside of inexpensive giveaways.

Enter the era of universal demand and consumption. Today, temporary tattoos are sold everywhere from vending machines to check-out counters at mass retailers to high-end boutiques. A tattoo exists for every demographic; Marvel superhero tattoos for young boys, glitter designs for girls, Ed Hardy temporary tattoos for trendy adults and clubbing designs for young people. Temporary tattoos have become a healthy activity for children and a must-have accessory for adults.

From bubble gum prizes to high-end accessory pieces, temporary tattoos have a diverse and rich history. Theyre here to stay, that goes without saying. The question is, what will we see next?

Beautiful Tattoo Designs For Women In Lower Back

I always desire to have a tattoo. I feel a little one in my lower back makes me feel sexier, but – this is a classic thing – I always end up with a question; what if I do not like it? I am not going to waste my money doing a laser surgery whatsoever only to cut off it. So, my dream to have a tattoo is always be an inspiration.

I tried temporary tattoo, however I dream to have a permanent one. Afterward I happened to have a talk with a friend of brother in law in an occasion. I accidentally saw her lower back tattoo. It is really gorgeous, a flower tattoo design with amazing color – looks sexy but not too greatly. We started chat on tattoo designs for women. She said there are pretty a lot of cute tattoo designs I truly can think about. I realized I want a tattoo with womanly design instead. She suggested me to explore for tattoo design in the Internet for me to have a large picture on tattoo design idea. She even wrote down some websites I can visit for the research.

Thus, I am very excited. I was afraid on what kind of tattoo design I should desire – as to me it is like a fulltime commitment, I cannot go wrong with the design. I was frightened with tattoo needle as well. I heard it is truly pain. But, she said that it is usual and I will not be afraid any longer when I know what and how a tattoo is made on the site I access. They typically have complete information on how to tattoos, with good explanation about needle, color, risks and advantages.

Once some search, I was adore with a cute flower tattoo design I discover in a website. The whole thing on that design is really what I desire about of a permanent tattoo on my lower back. So, I contacted the website, have some consult with the tattooist himself. He very helpful and he can convince me to make a permanent tattoo. So go to his place, make my desire tattoo come true and voila!! I did it.

In few weeks, I was so excited about my new tattoo. I show it to Sasha my best friend and my boy friend – and of course my new friend who suggested me. My boy friend like it very much, and thinking to have a tattoo for himself. I helped him to search a design that suits his character. We search for quite a long time as he a bit unsure. After a while, he found that he choose to have one tattoo design among a hundred tribal tattoo art design we search in the Internet. Now, we both have tattoos – I made one more tattoo on my left shoulder afterwards.