Tribal Quarter Sleeve Tattoo – Tips On Getting Your New Tattoo

It can be a difficult project when you want to find a tribal quarter sleeve tattoo design that is both special and memorable while still fitting your personality. A tattoo is an important, permanent choice in style and taste that will reverberate your personality, so don’t go about finding your design lightly! Finding that perfect image, some people say, should be instant, like love at first sight. An accomplished artist can create his own artwork, but for the rest of us, we still want an amazing tattoo to express ourselves with. That leaves us with the goal of finding great body art on our own, or having one commissioned.

Going through an image search on Google or Yahoo, you can get a picture that you could use as your tattoo, that is, if you wanted the same ink as about a million other people. Why would you want to be another one of those people? Search all you like, even for hours, but you will still end up with a tattoo that everyone else has already found. It is the worst way to find a tattoo even if it is free, you get what you pay for.

To get that truly one of a kind, truly you tattoo, you want to go to a tattoo design web site. You have to pay a low fee to the site, but since the site is not public, you are getting away from the duplicated old pictures everyone else is searching for free. Now you can have a custom, professionally made design for your tattoo for only that minuscule membership fee. To guarantee that your tattoo artist is capable of making your design look its best on your body, tattoo design websites also provide ratings of your local tattoo parlors as part of your membership fee.

Don’t go it by yourself when trying to find a tattoo design. And don’t try to do it for nothing. You will want a one of a kind tattoo that will always show your true self, and not the same image as the guy sitting next to you.

Good luck getting your new tribal quarter sleeve tattoo!

Avoid Bad Situations By Buying Quality Tattoo Supplies

If you’re a tattoo artist, then there’s no doubt that at some point you’ve seen someone have an allergic reaction to tattoo ink. It’s very rare, but there are always a couple of people at some point in your career who just have sensitive skin or who aren’t aware that they’ll have such a reaction. There’s not much you can do about this, and you simply don’t have control over people who have reactions to the ink you use. If you’ve just gotten started in the tattoo industry and haven’t seen this experience yet, then odds are, you will at some point. Don’t let it alarm you or frighten you out of your career, because at least one of the people that have an allergic reaction will try to point a finger at you and blame you for their reaction, even though it’s probably their body to blame.

To avoid this situation though, there are a couple of things you can do to help prevent something like this happening. First of all, you can help avoid any kind of situation arising from the tattooing inks you use by making sure you order quality tattooing inks from a supplier that is reputable and trustworthy. If you’re a tattoo artist and you own a shop, there are probably times, especially at the beginning, that you’ll be tempted to buy cheaper inks from an unknown supplier just because the price is so attractive. Don’t be lured into this trap though; the quality of the supplies you use on your customers will show in their tattoos, and even if they don’t have an allergic reaction to the tattooing inks you use, the tattoo may simply look bad or fade quicker. The way your business or your work appears to the rest of the world will affect how well your business does, so proceed with caution.

If you’re just getting started in the business and are looking at tattoo kits for the first time, use discretion here also. You’ll find tattoo kits filled with supplies that may be of poor quality, and you could end up purchasing tattoo kits that include bad tattooing inks that will cause an allergic reaction in a customer. The ingredients in ink are just pigments and carriers, and different vegetable dyes, minerals, and salts are used to color the ink; all of which could cause an allergic reaction.

Bottom line, no matter where you’re at in your career, be cautious so that you don’t have a customer coming back to point a finger at you. To buy quality tattoo kits, including quality supplies like tattooing inks, machines, and tattoo needles, visit No matter where you’re at in your career, you’ll find the tattooing supplies you need, all for an affordable price with service and efficiency you’ll appreciate.

Tattoo Risks – Are You Aware Of The Risks Of Getting A Tattoo

The popularity of tattoos has never been higher with many well-known celebrities continuing to set the trend by getting cool tattoos done. However most people do not fully understand the risks involved when you decide to get a tattoo done.

One of the main risks people are aware of is the risk of getting an infection when the tattoo is being made. Signs of an infection are redness and swelling around the area of the tattoo. To avoid this you should go to a fully licensed and professional tattoo parlour, and always make sure they use sterilized tattoo equipment and needles. You would think that every tattoo artist uses sterile equipment, but sadly it’s not always the case.

The very fact that there are tattoo artists out there who don’t use fully sterilized equipment means there is still the risk of a more serious blood-borne disease being transmitted. So it is possible that you could pick up a disease such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV in extreme cases.

Another related risk is that of skin disorders or granulomas. These occur when the body rejects foreign objects being inserted into the outer skin, such as tattoo ink. As a result of which, little bumps will often appear around the area where the ink has been applied.

The recipient of the tattoo may also suffer an allergic reaction when having a tattoo done. This is extremely rare but can occur in some instances. There’s no way of knowing if you will suffer from an allergic reaction to tattoo ink until you actually get a tattoo done.

Finally there is always the risk that you will not be happy with the tattoo you have chosen in later years. If this turns out to be the case and you consider having your tattoo removed, then this brings additional health risks. Even with modern laser technology it can still be a complicated process and there is no guarantee that the procedure may be a complete success. In fact very often several treatments are required in order to successfully remove the tattoo, and even then you may be left with skin discolouration or scarring.

Overall though these risks mentioned above are very rare and most people who get a tattoo done encounter no problems at all and end up very happy with their chosen design. As long as you choose a professional licensed tattoo artist and take plenty of time to choose the perfect tattoo design, then the benefits of getting your chosen tattoo done very often outweigh the risks.

Click here for information about where you can find the best online tattoo designs and to read a full review of Tattoo Me Now, the popular online tattoo gallery.

Wrist Tattoos – Things You Need To Know Before Getting One

Wrist tattoos are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to customize your body! From Hollywood A-listers like Victoria Beckham and Lindsay Lohan to ordinary people such as you and me!
Favorite designs for women include stars, fairies, flowers and rosaries. For men, favorite designs include flames, Celtic designs, stars and tribal tattoos. For women, favorites include stars, fairies, flowers and rosaries.
Obviously tattoos are permanent so you need to be absolutely sure you have considered all the implications before you go ahead! Here are 3 things you need to think about.
Firstly, think about the pain! Common wisdom should make you realize that the wrist is quite a painful place to get a tattoo. If you’re not at all good with pain, or even just if it’s your first tattoo, perhaps consider somewhere on your body that has a bit more flesh to soften the impact of the tattoo needle.
Also, tattoos on thinner areas of skin will take longer to properly heal. They may need to be renewed more often to keep the design clear, too.
Second, wrist tattoos – especially designs with stars – have traditionally been associated with the gay and lesbian communities. This isn’t really the case as much any more, but you should think about the history of your chosen design before you get it permanently inked onto your wrist.
Thirdly, and maybe most importantly, be certain you are sure you really want the tattoo! Perhaps this sounds obvious but many people don’t think about it properly and end up regretting their decision. A tattoo on your wrist is a very visible place to have one. A tattoo on your shoulder, back or stomach is quite easy to hide – at least when you need to. But on your wrist it’s almost impossible to hide it completely.
To you your tattoo will look good, but what about other people who may (rightly or wrongly) judge you based on your tattoo? What will your parents think? And what about your employer or future employers! Do you really want to affect your chances of a good job in the future simply because of one tattoo that is difficult to hide?
This might all sound negative, but it isn’t all bad news! Wrist tattoos are a great way to make your body more individual and show people your style. It’s just important to consider potential unintended side-effects!
Above all, just make sure you know what you’re getting yourself in for!

Reasons Why People Decide To Get A Tattoo

Tattoos are extremely popular at the moment with people of all ages choosing to get various types of tattoos done on different parts of their body. If you’ve never got a tattoo done yourself, you’re probably wondering why people choose to get a tattoo done at all. Well listed below are 6 main reasons why people decide to get a tattoo.

1. Celebrities.

In recent years a number of very high-profile celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, Christina Aguilera, David Beckham and Brad Pitt have all got tattoos done and showed them off in public. This has resulted in a bit of a fashion craze for tattoos and is one reason why so many people are now choosing to get tattoos done.

2. Artistic.

There are so many highly skilled tattoo artists around nowadays which means that they are more than able to create tattoo designs of the very highest quality. A lot of people are therefore drawn by the fact that they can get incredible tattoo designs done that look both beautiful and artistic. They can even create their own complex custom tattoo design if they so wish.

3. Heritage.

More and more people are becoming interested in ancestry and finding out more about their family history. As a result of this they will often celebrate and proudly display their family roots via a prominent tattoo on their body. This could be through a Celtic tribal tattoo, for example, or another family-specific tribal tattoo.

4. Loved Ones.

Many people, both male and female, like to display their love of their marital partner by getting a tattoo done which proudly demonstrates their love of that person. Because tattoos are permanent it is a great way of displaying your eternal love for your partner.

5. Memorials.

In this age of world conflict memorial tattoos are now very popular amongst the friends and family of soldiers who have lost their lives fighting for their country. These tattoos, often in the shape of a cross or tombstone, act as a permanent reminder of the departed loved one.

6. Religion.

Tattoos are popular amongst a wide range of different religious groups, but are particularly popular amongst Christians with the cross tattoo being an extremely popular choice of design. These tattoos act as a great way to visually convey your religious beliefs and values to other people.

For information about where you can find top quality tattoo designs online please read James Woolley’s Chopper Tattoo review and Tattoo Me Now review.