Does Getting A Tattoo Hurt

Lots of people who have never had a tattoo done will almost inevitably ask someone who has had a tattoo done the age-old question – does getting a tattoo hurt? It’s a perfectly natural question to ask because after all the whole process does involve needles being inserted into your skin. So does it actually hurt or not?

Well the truth is that unfortunately there is a small amount of pain involved. You will find that different people will have different accounts of just how painful it is. For some people who have been around the block a bit and experienced lots of painful experiences the whole process will be a piece of cake, but for others who maybe haven’t experienced any real pain in their life to date, such as teenagers and young adults, the pain will be quite severe and unpleasant.

It basically all comes down to mind power. To a large extent it’s possible to block out a lot of the pain just through thinking positive thoughts and not actually watching the tattoo artist inserting the needles into your skin. Try and stay relaxed and you should find the whole experience quite tolerable. Just keep thinking to yourself how happy you will be when the whole process is over and you have a dream tattoo design to show off to all your friends.

In many ways it’s like going to the dentist and having vital repair work done to your teeth. You know it’s going to be an unpleasant experience but you put up with the pain because you know that the end result will be worth it when you have a healthy set of teeth.

So to answer the original question – does getting a tattoo hurt? – it has to be said that yes it will hurt to a certain extent but it’s a tolerable pain and certainly not the excruciating pain that a lot of people imagine it to be. If you have a low pain threshold or are simply nervous about getting a tattoo done, then don’t get a tattoo done, or better still get a temporary tattoo done which is painless, but what I would say is that for most people the pain is nowhere near as bad as they imagined it to be.

For more information about where you can find top quality tattoo designs online please read James Woolley’s Chopper Tattoo review and Tattoo Me Now review.

The-symbolic dragon tattoos

Dragon tattoos

Dragon tattoos are widespread around the world. At present more than thirty percents of people that are intending to ink, a tattoo ink select dragon tattoos. Possibly the reason for such remarkable acclaim is that dragons are representations of several legends in nearly all cultures. Dragons may possibly have multiple personality, but they are definitely powerful creatures. The other reason possibly could be that there are numerous patterns of dragon tattoos that differ in design and in significance. But there are two main types of dragon tattoos: Western dragon and Eastern dragon.

The importance of Eastern dragon tattoos is always favorable. In Chinese mysticism dragon is a sign of integrity and knowledge. In the East dragon tattoos are exceptionally fashionable. They highlight the wisdom and are oftentimes made as talismans. In China, people perceive that dragon tattoos designs bring good luck and pleasure.

Western dragon is also an important character of multiple legends and myths. But mostly it’s significance far from positive. In European legends, dragons were powerful but dangerous creatures. They ruined villages with fire and were usually concerned with greed.

But in Britain there was completely different frame of mind to dragons. Dragons were regarded as sacred characters in Celtic myths and they quite often represented Britons. So, there is a specific type of tattoo design – Welsh dragons tattoos that usually reveal the proud for past and Celtic origin of the owner. These tattoo designs have positive meaning and are broadly existed in Britain and Europe. But, as per all beliefs and legends we know that dragons are very powerful. Possibly, they are the most recognized legendary characters in the world. Mentions of dragons are usually found in all cultures and not depending on the connotation dragons are always greatly appreciated and dragon tattoos designs – wonderfully accepted. Nor less important is the great variety of dragon tattoos designs. They are created in entirely distinct patterns and colors. You could choose common Chinese dragon tattoos or stylish tribal design; dragon tattoos could possibly be designed in traditional black ink or in bright colors. Everyone could get a dragon tattoo for himself or produce a separate design. And this is undoubtedly another grounds for dragon tattoos acclaim. But the importance of such tattoo is always personal. Several people form dragon tattoos as a symbol of strength and might. Others attach it with learning and believe that a dragon tattoo highlights their intellect. But overall a dragon tattoo is always a form of statement. It reflects individual’s personality and will. In certain traditions, these tattoo inks also present respect for traditions of ascendants.

Dragon tattoos are ordinarily rather huge and are generally formed bright. Dragon tattoos are used as back tattoo work – than the dragon is designed on the size of the entire back.

How To Decide What To Get For Your First Tattoo

Getting your first tattoo is a decision most people ponder on. The best answer is; something about you as a person. Tattoos are representations of something important in your life.
Many military personnel will get tattoos representing the branch of service they are in or their unit number or nickname. This is a sign of pride and bravery for many. A sign of love can be the name of your mate, the dates of your children’s births, a tattoo representing a loved one who has passed and even a characture of someone special in your life.
When tattoos began, they were used to illustrate a group that a specific person is a member of. Tattoos were used to show bravery and pride. Nowadays, a lot of people are designing their own tattoos for their “exclusive” version of pride, love and bravery.
In deciding to get a tattoo, before going to get the tattoo, one must first decide on the design. It doesn’t mean that you must pick a particular tattoo, but at least an idea of what you would like on its design. Having a name tattooed anywhere on your body is not a good idea at all. As the saying goes, “lovers may come and lovers may go but a tattoo is forever!” It might not be true nowadays than it was before with the increasing popularity of laser surgery, but these tattoos are intended to be permanent.
Before selecting what to get, imagine about significant events in your life and how you would want it represented. Starting out with a small tattoo is always a great idea so in case if you don’t like it, you can always have it covered by a larger tattoo.
Consult a tattoo artist. This is a good idea for first time tattoos as well. They can help you decide what to get and where to get it. Tattoo artists do this for a living and most know what they are doing in terms of permanent designs.
Tattoos for example cartoon characters, movie characters; themed as well as tribal tattoos are only considered for the serious. These tattoo designs are slow and expensive. Your chosen tattoo must represent yourself, your likes or may represent your life.
In getting your first tattoo, there is no right or wrong about it but your must remind yourself that each tattoo says a story about an event in your life that is significant to you.

Facts About Traditional Japanese Tattoo Art

Tattooing is an exceptional Japanese art form which has turned a fashion in the western countries and other parts of the world. It has a hectic history consisting of the various representations it made and has been one of the major arts in Japan.

In Japan the art form goes by a couple of different names. Irezumi and Horimono are the most famous names for conventional Japanese tattoo art. Standard Irezumi is the custom of tattoo making on large parts of the body like the back. The Japanese are also known for their full body tattoo suits.

It is amusing to know that inside Japan, getting yourself tattooed means you are marking yourself as a red-blooded male or you are admitting yourself as a member Yakuza, the notorious Japanese Mafia. According to the history, tattooing was inspired by Buddhism and Confucianism to a large extent and that may be why it has got a negative impression with it.

The tattoo art boasts a history of 1700 years. The Ainu tribe, the very first people to take up residence in Japan, are considered to be the founders of this art. Another ancient tribe named Wa’ were accustomed to full body tattoos.

In China, although they were more advanced in the field of art than Japan, tattooing was counted as a malpractice and uncivilized custom. When Buddhism moved from China to Japan, this thought also followed it. As a result tattooing became infamous for its use as a punishment and as a label for the criminals.

The Edo era was the golden age for tattooing as it turned the corner and started to be recognized as a fashionable trend. Workmen and firemen had the habit of tattooing and even the prostitutes found their way to turn on their clients by adoring themselves with tattoos.

in the 18th century tattooing substituted the amputation of ears and nose to punish the criminals. A character tattoo in the forehead or a ring tattoo on the forearm became the sign of a criminal. In 1870, the Meiji government stopped this practice.

This kind of punishment became a reason for the emergence of a rejected class of people and they were always kept away from the society. Most of them were Samurai people called Ronin who had no masters. They had no way other than forming their own gangs and these circumstances led to the formation of the Japanese Mafia and became a social problem.

For all that, today things have taken a turn for the better and now the art of tattooing has got a positive impression. No doubt, that negative connotation still remains inside Japan, but in a global perspective tattooing has become a fashion of the new generation.

Star Wrist Tattoos Avoid These Dumb Mistakes If You Want A Killer Design!

Star wrist tattoos are absolutely awesome but time and time again, I see many people make the same old stupid mistakes when selecting the design of their choice. My displeasure with this situation have led to me write this article as a way of helping fellow tattoo art lovers avoid these dumb mistakes.

Mistake 1. Rushing into an awful tattoo.

Choosing the right star wrist tattoos can be hard because there are so many types to choose from. Therefore, you should not pick one in a hurry.

Ponder around for a few days; take your own sweet time, no need to rush – the tattoo shops will still be around even if you take months or years to make your decision! Remember, getting tattoos means that youll be inked for life so do not rush into getting a horrible tattoo!

Mistake 2. Cramming 10 sumo wrestlers into a Mini Cooper

How large is your wrist? I ask this question because I see a lot of people requesting for fancy star wrist tattoos complete with a photorealistic image of a lion standing over the star, dragons smooching the star, fairies and porcupines skateboarding together on the star and God knows what else.

Heres the news: You cant crammed all sorts of complex designs onto a small portion of the skin in this case your wrist. I equate this to cramming 10 sumo wrestlers into a Mini Cooper.

You must understand that the tattoo will age and if the size of the tattoo is small yet jam-packed with complex images, itll certainly look like crap after 5 years. So when it comes to tattooing the wrist, keep it simple.

Mistake 3. Not choosing the right methods when searching for tattoo designs on the web.

Avoid looking for star wrist tattoos on the web using normal search engine unless you love to have your wrist inked with bland, thousands-of-people-have-it artwork. I recommend two sources: online boards or tattoo databases.

The latter is the preferred option because they contain tons of one-of-a-kind designs which are updated regularly (they usually have several in-house artists updating the database), plus studio directories to help you find reputable artists near you.