Largest Online Collection of Tattoo Designs

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Members are able to browse through our Huge Database of designs from one central location. We guarantee to have more designs to choose from than any tattoo parlor, and our database keeps on growing !.

We have displayed our designs to make it easy to find what you are looking for. When you have found the right tattoo design you can download or print the image and take it to your tattoo artist.

Tattoo design help provides you with thousands of award winning tattoo designs that you can browse from the comfort of your home. Here you will find designs that will be happy with for the rest of your life.

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Tattoo Ideas For Juggalos And Jugalettes

A juggalo, or a fan of the Detroit rap group Insane Clown Posse, is one of the most hardcore music fans you’ll ever meet. Juggalos are known in the underground music world, and among each other, for being fiercely devoted to ICP and all the other related juggalo acts.

So it makes sense that if you’re a serious juggalo, you might want to commemorate your fandom with an ICP tattoo, maybe specifically a hatchetman tattoo.

In fact, if you go to any serious juggalo concert or gathering, you’ll notice that seemingly every other fan has a hatchetman tattoo or another kind of ICP tattoo. But of course, since tattoos are permanent and highly individual, you’ll want to carefully consider the design for your own juggalo tattoo. If you’re ready to get an ICP tattoo, here are some ideas for inspiration:

The Hatchetman Logo: Of course, this is one of the most popular ICP tattoo designs. A hatchetman tattoo could be done in a number of ways. You could get a hatchetman tattoo pretty straightforward, using the classic logo, or you could design a hatchetman tattoo that incorporates the logo into a larger design.

Consider adding some personally meaningful ICP lyrics around your hatchetman tattoo, or adding a colorful background of your choice to your hatchetman tattoo.

Portraits: Don’t want a hatchetman tattoo, or have one already? Are you the most dedicated juggalo you know? Why not consider portraits for your ICP tattoo?

A portrait-centered ICP tattoo can either be photorealistic, depicting Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope in great detail, or it can be a more stylized version of them in their face paint. Check out your favorite photos of the group and take them to a trusted artist — portrait tattoos are tricky!

Album Artwork: ICP is known for its highly thought out album artwork, and this plus the design of liner notes and posters can offer a wealth of ideas for your ICP tattoo. You might try the design of the joker card corresponding to your favorite Dark Carnival album. Or, you could have a talented artist make up a new design based on your own idea of the Dark Carnival.

Lyrics: Maybe certain lryics about the juggalo lifestyle, or any other aspect of life, have touched you. Why not consider getting some of these inked on you for your ICP tattoo? You might get the lyrics on their own in a fancy script, or you might incorporate them into a design involving more graphic elements.

Although script and lettering seems easy, make sure you trust your artist, as it’s harder to get right than it seems. And of course, double-check the spelling and punctuation — you wouldn’t want your prized juggalo tattoo to be a source of embarrassment instead of pride!

Tattoo Inks

Different types of tattoo inks are available in the market. Some are synthetic colors whereas some are organic. Such tattoo inks are available in a number of colors too.

Tattoo inks are inserted in the skin of the client by puncturing holes using tattoo needles. The tattoo ink is actually a suspension of pigment in a carrier solution. The function of the carrier solution is to mix the pigment evenly so that it gives a smooth finishing on the skin. The pigment particles are of a size that it is not broken down by the defense mechanism of the body. The tattoo inks stay in the second layer of the skin which is why a tattoo stays intact forever on the skin.

The tattoo inks are also organic. They are made up of vegetable dyes, metallic and mineral salts. Sometimes a mixture of more than one pigment is also used. In order to add color to the ink, metallic oxides are used. Other carrier solutions used to make tattoo ink are vodka, purified water and glycols. Vodka is the most widely used as it the safest. An added advantage of using these carrier solutions is that they act as disinfectants too.

We all know that tattoo inks are not always safe. A no. of people complain of skin allergies, so it important that proper and good quality tattoo inks are used. There is an important fact that some tattoo artists do not know is the use of alcohols in inks. It should be strictly avoided. The presence of alcohols increases the chances of disease transmission.

Proper sterilisation of tattoo guns is extremely important due to use of these colors. The needle should be very clean. For every new customer, a new needle should be used. Make sure that the needle pack is broken in front of the customer only so that the customer is assured for safety. There is no point in getting a tattoo done and later getting skin allergies and infections. All this can be prevented with a precaution taken by the tattoo artist.

For information on tattoo inks – -Tattoo Inks

Dove Tattoos Represent Peace, Love And Strength

Dove tattoos have a number of very profound meanings in the World of tattoos. They can be a symbol of Christianity, peace and hope or new life. On the other hand, dove tattoos are also associated with the occult and supernatural forces although on the whole folks would recognise them as a sign of undying or long lasting love. There are a great number of bird tattoos, such as eagles, swallows etc but none have such important or varied meanings as the Dove.

Dove tattoos in Chinese Society are used as a symbol of a long and healthy life. The Celts and other ancient people held that doves Along with other types of birds were messengers bringing omens of good or evil. Dove is also a persons name and in both the scottish and irish native language the Boys name “Callum” is a translation of Dove.

Tattoos with dove designs commonly portray independence and purity. Tattoos of honor and strength or military service are very frequent in American society. Although you do not continuously see them in public, persons who wear them are very proud of their tattooo designs. A dove outline filled with the design of the American flag, or any other flag for that matter, can be viewed as a special statement about world peace. Peace dove tattoos happen to be the most often requested design amongst many peace lovers.

Many people have dove tattoos in remembrance of a close relation or friends who have passed away and in keeping with the afterlife theme, a dove holding a year banner draped from its beak can be used to remember the passing away of a loved one. Irrespective of sex, both men and women equally wear these tattoos of serenity and love.

Once you have decided upon the Dove as your selection there are many diverse art styles to choose from. Everything from single line art, inked in white or more elaborate tribal and celtic designs. A couple of doves are also a very familiar and universal sign of love. Two doves sharing the same branch is a much requested tattoo design with newly married couples.

The Dove is used in so many ways and in so many styles that it has a multitude of meanings. One item they all have in common is Dove Tattoos have a very strong and individual meaning to the person getting the tattoo.