What Does Wrist Tattoos Really Mean

At present, a wrist tattoo is one of the hottest designs that you can select. From Hollywood A-listers to ordinary people in the street, thousands are choosing to place a tattoo on this part of their body.

But what do wrist tattoos mean?

As with all tattoos, designs placed on the wrist can mean many things to many people. In past centuries wrist tattoos were used to ward off illness and disease.

Over the years many seagoing people have also relied upon wrist tattoos, especially nautical star designs, to act as their guide and keep them safe until they arrive at their destination.

And in modern times many people use their wrist tattoo as a source of inspiration. When times are tough, one glimpse of their wrist design helps to carry them through their difficulties.

The most important thing is to find a wrist design that means something special to you and makes you feel better every time you see it.

But before you set your sights on a wrist tattoo there are a few important points to bear in mind.

First, it’s important to consider the pain factor. Is a wrist tattoo painful? Traditional wisdom suggests that tattoos are more painful on areas where the skin is thinner and has less flesh to cushion the needle. So if your pain threshold is particularly low, it might be better to consider placing your tattoo on an area of your body that has more padding.

However, many people who have had a tattoo placed on their wrist have stated that the discomfort is no greater than areas where the skin is thicker. But regardless of the pain aspect, wrist tattoos can take longer to heal because the area is more exposed. And for the same reason, wrist tattoos may need to be refurbished years into the future in order to maintain the general sharpness of the design.

Second, it’s vital that you’re 100% committed to your choice of wrist tattoo. According to various reports, 25% of people who have tattoos placed on their wrists regret the decision shortly after the design is completed. In comparison all tattoos, wherever placed, cause fewer regrets that wrist tattoos, with only 17% of people unhappy with the outcome. So it’s extremely important to be 100% certain before you place a tattoo on one of your wrists.

And finally, during the 1950’s and 60’s before tattoos had achieved mainstream acceptance, wrist tattoos, especially those depicting stars, were closely identified with the gay and lesbian communities. And although times have changed and the old associations have almost disappeared, it’s worth being aware of the history of these tattoos before you proceed with your design.

If you bear these things in mind you’ll be able to find a meaningful and popular design that you’ll be happy with for many years to come.

Eagle Tattoo

Strong and mighty are appropriate adjectives that describe every eagle tattoo. Through the years, people have been getting tattoos to boost the ego and bolster fashion sense. In early civilizations, tattoos were symbolic of people’s personalities and social status.

Now, tattoos often do not symbolize anything about the wearer. However, there are still some people who pay high regards to symbolism and representations when it comes to getting a particular tattoo design. If you are planning to get a tattoo, why not choose to have an eagle tattoo? You would surely love it, as do people who already wear one.

What is the basic symbolism of an eagle tattoo? For patriotic and nationalistic sentiments, the eagle is usually a animal representation of the United States. The eagle as you know is among the most admirable of all animals, because it is sturdy, it flies and soars higher and it is very strong.

The eyes are very much fierce, probably accounting why the eagles’ eyes are used in the term ‘eagle’s eye view’. The wings of an eagle are so strong that it is not surprising why eagles are known to be strong and soaring high.

Personality wise, an eagle symbolizes strength, strong will and overall agility. These characteristics are very much identified with nothing else but the eagle. Eagle tattoos are usually worn by men. That is why for quite some time, an eagle tattoo is very much identified as a symbolism for masculinity.

However, these days, some women are also collecting guts to wear an eagle tattoo, but with a different design. It might be the basic symbolisms and representations of eagle tattoos that make them more appropriate for men.

An eagle tattoo can very much be located in any part of the body. Usually, men put their eagle tattoos in their chests, while others prefer to have the skin art on their arms and legs. When considering getting an eagle tattoo, it is also advisable if you would first assess and carefully think about the size.

You can have a small eagle tattoo or a big one. You can opt to have a multi-colored tattoo or a simple, uni-colored one. You can incorporate the flag’s main colors on the eagle or have a close up of an eagle face as your tattoo. Whatever your choice and preference is, in the end, your eagle tattoo would very much indicate your overall sentiment in life.

Japanese Dragon Tattoo Meanings

The Japanese dragon is one of the most popular mythological creatures picked for inking and a classic choice for a tattoo design. It is usually depicted as a wingless, heavily-scaled snake-like creature with small clawed legs and a horned or antlered camel head, and is associated with sea, clouds or the heavens. Japanese dragons tend to be much more slender and fly less frequently than the Chinese counterparts. The breath of the Japanese Dragon changes into clouds from which come either rain or fire. It is able to expand or contract its body, and in addition it has the power of transformation and invisibility. This is merely a general description and does not apply to all Japanese dragons, some of which have heads of so extraordinary a kind that they cannot be compared with anything in the animal kingdom.

According to most sources, the Japanese dragon is closely related to the Chinese counterparts, with the exception that the Japanese dragon has only three claws, while that of the Celestial Kingdom (China) has five.

Tattoo artists have taken the art of the Japanese dragon to amazing new levels. Whether you want a full back design or a half sleeve design, you will find an incredible gallery of amazing designs to choose from. They can be in color, or black & white. The dragon tattoo may appear with sea wave or clouds or pearls. If the dragon claw holds an enormous magical pearl, which has the power to multiply whatever it touches, the “pearl” symbolized the most precious treasure: Wisdom. Ancient Dragon lore and illustrations have inspired many of us to select a dragon tattoo because that design represents how we feel about ourselves — strength, wisdom and freedom…

The popular locations for inking Japanese dragon tattoos.
Japanese dragon tattoos can wrap around the body and flatter the contours of the body, full body and full back dragon tattoos are quite common, and the most popular location is half sleeve, the body of the dragon wrap around the upper arm and the dragon head extend out the upper front, just above the heart. Because of the long shape of the dragon, it also suited for inking on arms and legs.

Where to Find Perfect Japanese dragon tattoo designs for Inking?
After all, getting an awesome Japanese dragon tattoo that perfectly flows with your body is what makes you feel proud. Am I right? There are many good reasons to get an awesome Japanese tattoo and there are many ways to screw it up. The most important thing to find a perfect Japanese tattoo is to take your time browsing through numerous tattoo collections before you settle the one for inking.

Proof Of Psychopathic Records Fans Devotion Juggalo Tattoos

It doesnt take much brainpower to think of all the bands throughout history that have had such an impact on their fans lives that they inspire tattoos. Grateful Dead and their famous skull and bear logos should be one of the first bands that comes to mind, followed closely by the Rolling Stones and their ubiquitous tongue symbol.

My point is, tattoos commemorating musical artists are nothing new. However, tattoos commemorating a record label are rare, except for in the case of horror rap record label Psychopathic Records. Juggalo tattoos run rampant. And whats most interesting about them isnt that they exist, but that the tattoos more often than not are paying tribute to the Psychopathic Records movement via the hatchetman, not any particular Psychopathic Records artist.

Many tattooed Juggalos will be happy to know that theres no need to fantasize about images of Juggalettes with tattoosimages of Juggalettes with tattoos are everywhere because Juggalettes are just as covered in Psychopathic Records tattoos as are their tattooed Juggalo counterparts.

So what do images of Juggalettes with Juggalo tattoos say about Psychopathic Records? Primarily that Psychopathic Records is more than a record label; its a movement.

Anyone with any emotional connection to Psychopathic Records will tell you that beyond the horror rap music, followers do things like get Juggalo tattoos or pose for Juggalette images with Juggalo tattoos because they feel that Psychopathic Records is an extension of their biological family. Psychopathic Records followers all feel misunderstood and unfit for mainstream society. Yet when they get together, at events like Gathering of the Juggalos, all of this anxiety melts away.

As you can see, following Psychopathic Records is a lifestyle. Its such a powerful lifestyle that Juggalos and Juggalettes rarely think twice before getting Juggalo tattoos, or proudly displaying their ink in Juggalette images.

But if the Juggalo tattoos present in Juggalette images and online and in person dont feature the symbol from any one artist, what could the symbol be? Answer: The famous hatchetman. The hatchetman is Psychopathic Records mascot. This little cartoon of a character running with a hatchet is been featured in so many Juggalo tattoos and Juggalette images that he might be more famous than some of the artists on the Psychopathic Records roster!

While all this is good and well, it raises another question. In the age of social media, is posting Juggalette image of you and your girlfriends with Juggalo tattoos on Facebook the smartest thing to do in 2012? Years ago, those with Juggalo tattoos could keep them hidden forever if they so desired. Thats still the case today, but one slip online and your Juggalo tattoo could prevent you from excelling in the professional world. Is this possible side effect of concern to those with Juggalo tattoos? Sound off in the comments!

Top 3 Heart Tattoo Design Ideas

You may have noticed the heart tattoo design ideas are becoming more and more popular these days among young men and women. In the world of tattoos where you can choose any sign or symbol to stay on your body and so on your memory forever, what can be sweeter to have than a heart pattern for a loved one?
The number of choices you have for which designs you will have on your skin forever is unlimited. It can start from some common patterns like your birth zodiac sign, animal or bird shapes, or some of the most recent common symbols like tribal signs or Japanese and Chinese characters.
Some people – especially men – also choose birds of prey or other elegant serious animals like a lion, leopard, or a wolf.
But what if you’re looking for something sweeter and more sentimental – like a heart shape tattoo design?
Then here in this free guide you can find out 3 helpful ideas and tips for choosing the best creative unique heart tattoo idea for yourself today…
1. Mix a Heart with Other Styles for a Fresh Look
Are you interested in tribal themes and styles? What about flower themes? Any special bird or animal that you especially like?
These free tattoo design ideas can easily give you ideas about what else you can mix and include as a part of your heart tattoo. It doesn’t have to be something simple and only a heart. You can easily add your favorite flower or bird next to it as well.
Imagine for a second, tattoo that only shows a simple heart. Now imagine a tattoo with a heart and rose petal wrapped around it. Or maybe a beautiful bird flying over the heart.
See how adding another stunning shape or symbol can amazingly make your tattoo more unique and special?
2. Include Your Loved One’s Name
A simple yet cool idea is to include the full first name or the initials of your loved one, who you are designing this tattoo in his/her sake.
Especially if you are in a deep loving relationship, showing it to her later on your body is the ultimate gift that they will remember forever. After all, they say a diamond is forever. But is it really? You may agree that’s an overstatement comparing to a tattoo which is truly forever.
3. Check Out Online Free Tattoo Galleries to Get Inspired
Another easy way to find as many creative heart tattoo ideas as you wish, is checking out a helpful free tattoo pattern gallery online.
Whether you’d like to find a ready-made tattoo stencil to print and use instantly, or maybe you prefer to design your own tattoo to have a more unique and one-of-a-kind design, free galleries will help inspire you with more ideas.